// global vars // holds the state of each control var state = []; // these should be moved into state eventually var search = []; search["search"] = "EC-88"; search["search prices"] = "EC-88"; search["player"] = ""; search["players"] = ""; /* for (i in search) { document.writeln(i+':'+search[i]+', '); // outputs: one:First, two:Second, three:Third }; */ // var system = 9; var systemname = 'Itan'; var sectorid = 2218; var buysector = 2218; var sellsector = 0; //var search = 'EC-88'; var map = 'sector'; var template = 'login'; var page = 'home'; var model = 'none'; //global funcs function lookup(inputString, offset) { if(!offset) offset = '0'; if(inputString.length < 2) { // Hide the suggestion box. $('#suggestions').hide(); } else { var searchtemplate = 'search prices'; if(template == 'player' || template == 'players'){ searchtemplate = 'player'; } else if(template == 'inventory'){ searchtemplate = 'inventory'; } else if(template == 'log'){ searchtemplate = 'log'; } $.post("controls/lookup.php", { template:""+searchtemplate+"", search:""+inputString+"", offset:""+offset+"" }, function(data){ if(data.length >0) { $('#suggestions').show(); $('#autoSuggestionsList').html(data); } }); } } // lookup function fill(thisValue) { search[template] = thisValue; if(template == 'players'){ search['player'] = thisValue; } else if(template == 'player'){ search['players'] = thisValue; } else if(template == 'search'){ search['search prices'] = thisValue; } else if(template == 'search prices'){ search['search'] = thisValue; } $('#inputString').val(thisValue); setTimeout("$('#suggestions').hide();", 200); } function updatemenu(leaf, depth){ $('ul.'+depth+'menu').hide(); // this is kind of a hack to close submenues... may need to redo this properly at some point, or just // not hide submenues? $('ul.'+depth+'submenu').hide(); $('ul.'+depth+'subsubmenu').hide(); $('ul.'+depth+'subsubsubmenu').hide(); $('#'+leaf.replace(' ','_')).show(); changeinputs(leaf); } function postform(form, quiet){ if(form == ''){ return false; } $('div#page_loading').fadeIn('slow'); if(quiet == null){ $.post('form.php', $('#'+form).serialize(), function(data){ $('div#data').html(''+data); $('.editor').wysiwyg({ controls : { separator04 : { visible : true }, insertOrderedList : { visible : true }, insertUnorderedList : { visible : true }, html : { visible : true } } }); $('div#page_loading').fadeOut('slow'); }); } else{ $.post('form.php', $('#'+form).serialize(), function(data){ $('div#page_loading').fadeOut('slow'); }); } } // display from where form id = id and data is matched dynamically specific to form function showForm(id, data, width, height){ // loading icon $('div#formdata').html('

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